
Maasai Boma in Ngorongoro

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Tour Overview

Maasai Boma in Ngorongoro

Ngorongoro Conservation Area is one of the most unique areas in Tanzania as humans and animals are seen to live peacefully together in the same environment. The conservation area which is home to a number of different species of animals is also home to one of Tanzanias most famous tribes – The Maasai.

Visit a Maasai Boma in Ngorongoro

The Maasai are a semi-nomadic people who mostly live off the cattle that they own. Their main cuisine consists of meat, milk and maize meal. The Maasai travel in clans and build their family homes in circular enclosures protected by thorny makeshift fences. They often keep their cattle in an enclosure in the centre of the ‘boma’ (home).

The Maasai often have to move around during the dry season to find water for their cattle. They often pack up, leave, travel hundreds of miles and start building huts made of mud and cow dung else where, where they establish themselves all over again.

Maasai are a fascinating people with a beautiful culture. The women are often adorned in beautiful vibrant beaded jewellery which they make themselves. They also participated in traditional group dances which involve singing, jumping and shoulder shrugging.

Often referred to as the warriors of East Africa they are one of the most friendly and welcoming people you will meet.

Maasai Boma Tour: A Cultural Trip Itinerary

Your cultural trip starts off with your driver guide picking you up from your lodge, he will then drive you to a ‘Maasai boma’ where you will get to interact with the people and learn about their culture. If you are lucky enough you might even get to see them perform their famous group dance. This is the opportunity to let the anthropologist in you out and learn about a completely foreign way of life. You will get to learn about their daily activities, customs and traditions, gender roles, traditional food and ceremonies.

After the trip you will be brought back to your lodge/hotel or continue on a day of game viewing