
Aberdare National Park

The park provides a habitat for elephants, black rhinos, leopards, spotted hyenas, olive baboons, black and white colobus monkeys, buffalos, warthogs and bushbucks among others. Rare sightings include those of the Giant Forest hog, bongo, golden cat, serval cat, African wild cat, African civet cat and the blue duiker. Visitors can indulge in picnics, trout fishing in the rivers and camping in the moorlands. Bird viewing is rewarding, with over 250 species of birds in the park, including the Jackson’s Francolin, Sparrow hawks, goshawks, eagles, sunbirds and plover birds

Although harder to find than on the open plains of the Masai Mara, lion elephant, rhino and buffalo are present in the park as are rare antelope species including the much sought-after bongo – an elusive antelope that lives in the bamboo forest. Other forest species such as black and white colobus monkey, giant forest hog, golden cat and leopard are seen regularly along with around 250 bird species.

The park’s top accommodation is set in the game-rich Salient – where the mountain range slopes off to the east. We’d recommend staying at either the well-known Tree-Tops Lodge or  – both overlook a salt lick and floodlit waterhole to deliver the park’s best from-your-chair game viewing. If you want, you can even be alerted at night in the event of a special sighting.